Friday, August 30, 2013

Alfresco Share : Create a configurable dashlet

How to make dashlet as configurable

 The aim of this post is to help you understand how to make your dashlet as configurable.

First we will create very simple dashlet and we will extend that to configurable.

Copy these files into tomcat\webapps\share\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\site-webscripts\org\alfresco\components\dashlets folder.




Output of the above code

Now we will configure the “welcome” message. For this we need to make changes to this HelloWorldDashlet.

Add a configuration file for HelloWorldDashlet as HelloWorldDashlet.get.config.xml


Make the following change in HelloWorldDashlet.get.js file.

1)      Read the greeting message from HelloWorldDashlet.get.config.xml file.
2)      Add the greeting message into model.

Changes in HelloWorldDashlet.get.html.ftl file

Add the below <script type =”text/javascript”> …. </script> part.

Hope this helps someone.

1 comment:

  1. I have an error in the line Alfresco.dashlet.HelloWorldDashlet("${el}").setOptions(.. because Alfresco.dashlet.HelloWorldDashlet does not exist, I have others dashlets there, but not my oun dashlet. do you have any clue about how to add my dashet to Alfresco.dashlet object?

    greetings :)
