Thursday, October 16, 2014

How to do Full LDAP sync using JMX.

How to do Full LDAP sync using JMX

As we know how to do, differential sync by using Alfresco Sub-sytem with help of JMX. If you're not aware, please read about Restarting an Alfresco SubSystem.
Below step shows, how to do Full LDAP sync using JMX.

Step 1: Start Jconsole from JDK\bin\jconsole.exe.

Step 2: Enter JMX URL, user name and password as mentioned below. Username : controlRole Password : change_asap JMX url : service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:50500/alfresco/jmxrmi
The default username and password can be found in the alfresco-jmxrmi.access and alfresco-jmxrmi.passwordfiles located in the tomcat/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF /classes /alfresco directory.

Step 3: Click MBeans tab and expand Alfresco -> Configuration in the tree control

Step 4: Navigate to the Synchronization sub-system.

Step 5: Expand the Treeview control to Synchronization -> default -> Attributes.

Step 6: Set synchronization.synchronizeChangesOnly = false. By default, it will be true.

Step 7: Set synchronization.import.cron = 0 0/2 * * * ? . After two minutes, the synchronization subsystem will run for the every two minutes.

Step 8: Once you're done with the changes, Press "Refresh" button.

Step 9: Expand the Treeview control to Synchronization -> default -> Operation.

Step 10: Press the Stop button to stop this sub-system and wait for few seconds to get the status message.

Step 11: Wait for 1 minute.

Step 12: Press the Start button to start this sub-system again and wait for few seconds to get the status message.

Step 13: Wait for 2 more minutes, as we configured in the "synchronization.import.cron" property.

Step 14: Now, you can see in the log file, the synchronization ran and it did the Full LDAP Sync with the configured active directories.

Note: Once the Full LDAP Sync is done, you may revert the changed values to original values.

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