How to do Full LDAP sync using JMX
As we know how to do, differential sync by using Alfresco Sub-sytem with help of JMX. If you're not aware, please read about Restarting an Alfresco SubSystem.
Below step shows, how to do Full LDAP sync using JMX.
Step 1: Start Jconsole from JDK\bin\jconsole.exe.
Step 2: Enter JMX URL, user name and password as mentioned below. Username : controlRole Password : change_asap JMX url : service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:50500/alfresco/jmxrmi
The default username and password can be found in the alfresco-jmxrmi.access and alfresco-jmxrmi.passwordfiles located in the tomcat/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF /classes /alfresco directory.
Step 3: Click MBeans tab and expand Alfresco -> Configuration in the tree control
Step 4: Navigate to the Synchronization sub-system.
Step 5: Expand the Treeview control to Synchronization -> default -> Attributes.
Step 6: Set synchronization.synchronizeChangesOnly = false. By default, it will be true.
Step 7: Set synchronization.import.cron = 0 0/2 * * * ? . After two minutes, the synchronization subsystem will run for the every two minutes.
Step 8: Once you're done with the changes, Press "Refresh" button.
Step 9: Expand the Treeview control to Synchronization -> default -> Operation.
Step 10: Press the Stop button to stop this sub-system and wait for few seconds to get the status message.
Step 11: Wait for 1 minute.
Step 12: Press the Start button to start this sub-system again and wait for few seconds to get the status message.
Step 13: Wait for 2 more minutes, as we configured in the "synchronization.import.cron" property.
Step 14: Now, you can see in the log file, the synchronization ran and it did the Full LDAP Sync with the configured active directories.
References: The Synchronization Subsystem
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